

How wonderful and unique God has made each of us!!! People may look alike but can have different personalities. I have three boy all raised in the same environment, exposed to the same things, and all have very different personalities. It is what makes this world interesting. I am sure we would get very bored if we all were exactly alike another. Even as different as we are, Personality traits can all fall into some dimension and each dimension has a range of high , medium or low as to where the person can fall according to how they display the trait. 

I took a personality test that was done by Myers-Briggs. They measure personality in sixteen different personality types. The questions compare whether you are introvert or extrovert, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, judging or perceiving. It was a series of questions, some of which I had to think about a minute because some behavior are so automatic I wasn't really sure how to answer. I noticed I had several answers that were somewhere in the middle versus having a strong feeling one way or another. My results were extrovert-intuition-feeling perceiving, or ENFP. Based on these results, which I felt were quite accurate in most of the description, ENFP's are outgoing and creative, have the key skill of perceiving complicated patterns and information and assimilating it quickly. This trait confirms what the test "Strength Finders" , which is one I took for a different class. They said my top strength was being Strategic, which was being able to sort through clutter and find the best route. They say this type of thinking and perceiving is not a skill that can be taught. It is a distinct way of thinking. According to this theory I am able to see patterns simply where others see complexity.

An ENFP is also described as being aware of the needs of others. They enjoy discussing ideas and possibilities with other people. They are energetic, optimistic, and enjoy expressing strong emotions. They have a strong sense of justice and try to resolve conflict.  They enjoy being spontaneous and easily attract others with their flare for excitement. Known as the "champions," they are their best when circumstances remain fluid. They are observant and look to find meaning in the world around them.

I feel this description accurately describes me. It even lines up with the Strength Finders test I have taken before where my top 5 strengths were Strategic, Ideation, Beliefs, Individualization, and Positivity. It was really great to see how much of what one test was confirmed in another. I enjoyed taking these test and discussing with my best friend who said they see these traits in me as well. I am going to have my boys take this test to see how they score so that I can be able to see how they score and see if knowing what their test reveals will help me understand them better as their mom. 

Studying this brings me back to how amazing God is. I believe he has created each one of us and has given us our unique personalities. I do not see how we could have all just evolved so differently. Even animals seem to have their own personalities. This signature of personality I believe is God's signature written on His creation. 



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