M3 Task

My Life


I have on an amazing journey these past few weeks. Turning 40, packing to move to a new house and taking this class at the same time has led me to do a lot of reflecting. My life has been full of some pretty dark and hard times due to my own choices and it has now over the past few years been moving out of the chaos and darkness into light and peace. We have been packing so I didn't have a lot of pictures handy for the poster but I had been going through them recently had looked backed into my childhood and teenage years. I found some pictures from right before my life began its downward spiral and I struggled to remember what was hiding behind those eyes and smile in the picture. What had made me go down such roads? 

I do know that everything I am today is due to the tough roads and I am grateful for God's grace and love to see me through and for my parents who have stood by me through it all. I am grateful to now be the mother my boys have needed and for their love and strong bond we now share. What I have been through has helped me understand them better, share things to help them not go down the same paths, and they have written devotionals for school that have stated how all these circumstances have helped in their relationship with Jesus. I am looking forward to my future now, to share my experience and hope with others. One quote I really like (not sure who said it says "some of us learn from the mistakes of others and some of us have to be the others." Hopefully me being an "other" will someone not make the same mistakes I have. Thats why I hope to help teens and addicts stop their chaos and find their peace.

I have enjoyed these past couple weeks to reflect on my life and learn about the developmental stages and personality traits. I love learning how brain works and how the mind interconnects with it to make us the unique person God has created us to be.


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