

As I sit here and think of what to type for this blog I am using my memory retrieval process. It funny to be doing a blog on memory and then sitting down to write everything you learned but when you start you draw a blank and look at blank screen for a few moments to try to remember what it was you just studied for the past week!! Some might say that forgetting something that easy means you did not even learn it in the first place or that doing so may mean you were distracted while trying to learn. That I can vouch for. My busy life means trying to incorporate learning into times while listening to video and cooking or while nursing my little one. But even times I sit at the computer while he is sleeping and read stuff it seems it doesn't stick as well these days. I think I can attribute that to sleep deprivation which was not discussed, at least I don't remember it beingšŸ˜•but I do believe that sleep deprivation probably affects memory. 

Study techniques to improve your memory is something that it of great use to me now that I am back in school and also to help my boys, although they do not believe me most times when I tell them. Mnemonics  is quite interesting and useful. This is anything that can aid you in learning such as word association or rhymes that will help with the retrieval process. It helps to begin by having an interest in the topic you are studying or trying to remember. Grouping things together helps like on a shopping list if you divide into dairy, meats and vegetables then try to remember the items according to each category. Using all of your senses can help when you are trying to associate items. Mood can also affect what you remember. If your sad then you remember sad things.  Selectivity is picking what is most important and starting the memorization process with that. Recitation is repeating words and phrases to strengthen the neural connection. I find that writing this over and over helps. Also when I was physically in class and listened to lectures hand written notes helped me to remember more than taking notes with a computer. Then highlighting the notes according to different colors for different groups also helped. You must also allow time to let the information settle in the brain. It needs to make strong neural connections so that you can more easily remember the information. This happens when going to sleep right after reviewing info or doing shorter study sessions over a few days instead of trying to cram in info all in one night and then not get enough sleep to make it even worse. 

Diseases of the memory have become very common in our society. Dementia, which is actually a syndrome not a disease, and Alzheimers are among the leading disorders of the brain. Symptoms of Alzheimers include confusion with time or place, withdrawal from work or social activity, problems with words in speaking or writing, poor judgment and changes in mood. Dementia describes a wide range of symptoms with a decline in memory and thinking. This can happen with Alzheimers or even after a stroke. Research in Alzheimers has lead to the knowledge that a deficiency in acetylcholine which is the neurotransmitter linked to memory is part of what causes this disease. Also noticed was a plaque build up coming from a protein that interferes with cell to cell communication. I have read that turmeric and its naturally occurring compound curcumin has been studied and known to reduce this build up. My grandfather died of this disease. He didn't live near us but my aunt who took care of him talked to my mom a lot and needed a lot of support during this time because it was so difficult. Watching someone who used to be very healthy decline in such a way must be devastating. My mom continues to try to do what she can like taking supplements and keeping her mind active with puzzles to hopefully ward off this disease although no one really nows if it have an affect but I think it helps her feel she can do something about it. They are trying to come up with a drug that can halt the build up of the these plaques and help with the inflammation in the brain associated with this disease but no cure has been found yet.


  1. Just a reminder I had informed you of the late submission. Thank you for your understanding!!


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