MTask 4


For this task I chose to do the second task on False memory and serial positioning effect. I asked two people to be my volunteers. One was my son Jacob, who is 18, and another was my friend Matt who is 58. I though having volunteers who were quite different in age might have an effect on the memory. I did this test at different times so each one was alone and could focus clearly. I asked them to clear their mind and listen closely. they both wanted details like how many words were on the list, and what is the outcome I was looking for. I didn't tell them what I was trying to do. I read the words slowly and clearly and gave them several minutes afterwards to write the words. They are both overachievers by nature so they both wanted to remember each word. Then I asked them about having the words needle, sleep and doctor on their lists. Jacob had all of those and Matt had sleep and needle which proved the concept of false memory. Jacob thought it pretty cool and was ready to test his friends. Jacob also exhibited the primacy and recency effect. Matt did also but remembered one of the words from the middle as well. I wondered if this had to do with the age difference. 

Matt had heard of these concepts before as he is older and has taken psychology but it was a surprise to him that he fell for it too. Jacob had not heard of this and we talked at length about it and the eyewitness testimony which led to discussing the gospels and the way the same stories were recorded but from different viewpoints therefore revealing sometimes another perspective or account. 

I was surprised too at how all this worked and how it easy it was just with a list of words to create this false memory. There have been times in my past when I have been very insistent on what I remembered and now I am wondering if I was wrong at times! I enjoyed this task and so did my volunteers.


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